Thank you for viewing my website and hopefully these past presentations can enlighten you of what is WAIT TRAINING.

A special thanks goes to Bahamas Faith Ministries and Mr. Dave Burrows who flew Ms. Shelly Donahue from Colorado to share WAIT training with the Bahamas. There are so many persons and trainers associated or familiar with the program (WAIT), yet no one seemed to be spreading the TRUTH and training taught. I had the pleasure, with the sponsorship of my church, I attend the WAIT training, allow with several Social Workers and Youth Leaders. There were not much of us, only a hand full, but being the youngest participant and an adolescent tempted to have sex, this training has changed my life. 

WAIT training is GOLD to me as it speaks of preserving the tradition and covenants  in marriage while allowing young persons to development and nurture healthier relationships. 

  I am willing to speak at any event or function at the minimal cost of $50. This goes toward travels ( gasoline), supplies needs and the rest I am saving up to someday get a project ( God's willing). 

Day or week Workshops differs depending upon the age of the group, size and time allocated.


 Presentation at A. F. Adderly Grade 7 Retreat


Presentation to Golden Gates Lock In 

Real Talk for Zonta Club Bahamas (Golden Z Club) 

Why Am I Tempted (W.A.I.T) Training is an innovative, effective training that teaches teenagers why we want to have sex, while separting desires from needs. W.A.I.T Trainer is a positive, fun, interactive curriculum for character and relationship development, abstinence and marriage preparation.

W.A.I.T Training is a national leader in techinal assistance, training, communit mobilization and collaboration.

Learn to have the BEST sex ever.... by waiting until and in preparation for marriage.

Why Abstinence until marriage?

  • 100% effective

  • Reduces teen pregnancy

  • Reduces out of wedlock birth rates

  • Reduces sexually transmitted disease rate

  • The word "marriage" is a concrete concept adolscent brains can comprehend

  • Develops self esteem and character

  • Helps teen to become critical thinkers

  • Changes behavior rather than changing consequences

  • Risk elimination rather than risk reduction model

  • Helps teens learn about and value healthy relationship skills and marriage!

  • Marriage provides many health, emotional, prosocial and economic benefits

  • Teens who remain abstinent are less likely to get involved with other high risk behaviours


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